Emotional Intelligence

Why is emotional intelligence (EI) important?

  • EI is proven to be a key predictor of human performance and development.
  • People with higher EI communicate effectively, form strong relationships and can create powerful coping strategies.
  • EI can be measured and, unlike IQ, can be noticeably strengthened and developed with the right interventions and development initiatives.

Why measure your emotional intelligence?

  • To identify how your emotions influence your decision making in stressful situations.
  • To measure how well you interact with others.
  • To explore your problem-solving style and openness to change.
  • To discover how emotionally intelligent you are.

What is the EQ-i 2.0 test?

The EQ-i 2.0 test is a professional and reliable tool to evaluate several aspects of your emotional intelligence and recommend ways to improve it. Emotional Intelligence is a concept made popular by the ground-breaking book by Daniel Goleman, which is based on years of research spanning decades by numerous scientists such as Peter Salovey, John Meyer, Howard Gardner, Robert Sternberg and Jack Block. The structure of the model holds up in different regions across the world and has been used to predict job performance and leadership competencies.

Taking the assessment will measure your 15 subscales that hone-in on EI skills critical to workplace success as well as give you a score on your Well-Being Indicator that measures your levels of happiness, resulting in additional development opportunities.

What does the EQ-I 2.0 test process involve?

  1. You contact us for further information about the assessment – info@motivaction.ie
  2. We register you for the test and send the online assessment link.
  3. You complete the online self-assessment. It contains a series of scale rating questions,  and this takes up to 25 minutes to complete.
  4. We create a report of your findings on a secure platform.
  5. We share the report with you during an hour-long debriefing session, highlighting the key findings and growth opportunities.

See sample Workplace Report

See sample Leadership Report

The EQ 360 assessment is also available. This provides a more in-depth analysis by gathering information from an individual’s work colleagues, manager and direct reports, resulting in a more complete 360-degree profile.